test results

am getting similar problem with L2007 SP4. it is the customised page that fails to save the layout and hence produces undesirable layout when published. i get Correct Answer box set at 0 width - and if i change it back to say 500 when i save the Title it gets converted to 0 again. even if you lock size and pos it still comes back as 0 width with size and pos locked. the only way to get the published course i want is to size the boxes then Publish but without exiting the title beforehand - it seems to publish what is on the edit screen but it will not save it that way. the other text boxes retain the widths i select for them.am getting similar problem with L2007 SP4. it is the customised page that fails to save the layout and hence produces undesirable layout when published. i get Correct Answer box set at 0 width - and if i change it back to say 500 when i save the Title it gets converted to 0 again. even if you lock size and pos it still comes back as 0 width with size and pos locked. the only way to get the published course i want is to size the boxes then Publish but without exiting the title beforehand - it seems to publish what is on the edit screen but it will not save it that way. the other text boxes retain the widths i select for them.

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