Template Accessibility

A common question we get asked about our eLearning templates is "Are these Section 508 compliant?"

The answer is... "Yes! Mostly."

Let's explain. We create our templates to conform to accessibility guidelines, but because they are templates, any changes you make to the final product could impact the accessibility settings.

For more details, here's how we make our Lectora Desktop and Online templates accessible:


  • All colors are set to pass contrast ratio at AA or better. Most designs will use text/color contrast ratios that pass at AAA.

  • Font sizes are set to a minimum of 14 pt in all designs. Many designs default to a 16pt minimum.

  • Minimum strike area in all required interactive elements is 45px or larger.


  • Web accessibility settings are turned on, and as of 09/01/21 include custom focus color to match theme palette.

  • Language defaults to English.

  • Layering order is optimized for each interaction.

  • Where themes are used, certain elements are set to "always on top" but these are mostly navigational elements (Back, Forward, Next, Exit); all decorative elements in a theme header/footer will have alt tags disabled; the Title object in a theme will be set to "always on top" by default. Otherwise, "always on top" is avoided wherever possible.

  • ALT tags are enabled for all interactive elements and hidden for all decorative media (graphics/charts that contain content have alt tags enabled and include a description of that media).

  • Skip Nav is included on every page in the interaction. *New as of 09/01/21*

  • HTML text type is defined for all text to guide reading order. *New as of 09/01/21*

  • All off-screen text and images (e.g. instructions content/media) is hidden from screen readers.

  • All form elements/questions have associated labels, including any non-content controls, like those used for customizing the template. *New as of 09/01/21*

  • If an interaction in a course starter or showcase courses is impractical or problematic for learners using a screen reader, an alternative activity is provided. *New as of 09/01/21*