Do you miss the LUC? Of course you do...tell us what to bring back for our ELBX Live DevLearn Experience!

Some of you know it as LUC; some remember it as ELBX Live. No matter what we name it, we're having an in-person user conference this year, and you're invited.

Save the date - November 5th, 2024 - in Las Vegas at MGM.

We've been invited by DevLearn to have a space (a huge space) before the Expo opens, and we're taking them up on it. But we need your help. What do YOU want to learn? What would make it worth asking your boss to get there a day early to hang out with us? Did we mention it's included in your full conference pass? Yeah, no extra charge. 

Your ideas and opinions count. Please put in the comments what you want to experience, and we'll see what we can do!