Submit Form action causing problems.

Need some help...I have a COURSE COMLETED screen that the User will see once they have succefully passed a test. The only button on that page is a NEXT button that takes the user to the first, and only, page (named BEGIN SUREVEY) of the next chapter named SURVEY.The purpose of the SURVEY chapter is to collect three pieces of data (variables) from the user: userName, Domain, and fullName. I added a Form object with three Entry Fields for the above variables. The form is set so that when they submit the form it will pass, via POST, those variables to a specific URL.Here's the problem. When I publish the course to AICC compliant HTML, the survey page will not load when I click the NEXT button from the Course COmpleted page. There are no JavaScript errors being reported. All I get is a white page.The only thing I have been able to do to successfully load the page is to remove any SUBMIT FORM action from the Survey page.So the question is really, if I want to have a form, but can't load the page if the SUBMIT FORM action is present on that page, what is the point of the forms object?Is there a known bug or workaround?Help ASAP is appreciated and thank you in advance.

Discussion (4)

I have not seen this problem for other clients. What version of Lectora are you using? If you go into Lectora and select Help, About Lectora, there should see something similar to 2004-010 (1650).Edited By: aaron on 38330.5657523148

Hello?Bueller? Bueller? .....Bueller?Anyone home?A scrapped the form object. It never worked. Instead, I brought a form created in ASP into Lectora via the HTML object. That worked.I would still like to know if there was an actual glitch/bug or if I was doing something wrong. Using a third party workaround for a function that is supposed to be native is very frustrating.

I am not aware of anything in that version that would cause this. You might want to try updating to SP3 from the service center and then republish and reimport the content and see if that helps.

Thank you for responding.I am running Pro Pub Suite v.2004 SP1 (1513)

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