Publish Titles - Copy extern files last

It would be very helpful when publishing a title if all the files in the extern folder were copied over last, this way if there are Lectora files that have been modified and set to be copied into the publish folder they will overwrite the standard Lectora published files, this also means that they will be zipped and/or previewed with the correct files in place.

To explain, I have two files: index.html and toc###.html, these files are created with specific unique details from a separate programme which uses the Lectora awt file. For some reason, when publishing, the index.html file is created by Lectora before my index.html file (within the extern folder) is copied over, so this works OK. However, the toc###.html is created and updated for each page being published and overwrites my file requiring me to copy the correct file.

Thanks for your understanding and consideration

Best regards, Peter

Discussion (2)

I'll bring it to the developers attention :)

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