password protect exam

I have a customer that requires a proctored exam upon completion of the course. I would like the proctor to be able to enter a password on the first page of the exam so that I know he was present from the beginning of the exam. How can I do that so I don't have to publish a new scorm pacakge everytime someone wants to take the course?

Discussion (2)

1. Add a text entry box on the slide. Check its properties, set "Password" checkbox to make sure the entered password is masked. The entered value will be stored in Entry_0001 or a similar variable (again, check the box properties).

2. Add a conditional action on a "Begin exam" button: On Click -> Go to next page -> IF Entry_0001 equals "Pass1234" (obviously, you can choose your own password there).

Voila. Without the password, users cannot navigate to the next page, so they need their supervisor to enter it.

@ssneg 62424 wrote:

1. Add a text entry box on the slide. Check its properties, set "Password" checkbox to make sure the entered password is masked. The entered value will be stored in Entry_0001 or a similar variable (again, check the box properties).

2. Add a conditional action on a "Begin exam" button: On Click -> Go to next page -> IF Entry_0001 equals "Pass1234" (obviously, you can choose your own password there).

Voila. Without the password, users cannot navigate to the next page, so they need their supervisor to enter it.

Thanks ssneg - works great

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