Matching Questions not working.

Why is it intended to work this way? In a matching, the lines can become so entangled, its hard to read what matches to what. Why not have lines start at the "ends" of the matching items and their corresponding components?Why is it intended to work this way? In a matching, the lines can become so entangled, its hard to read what matches to what. Why not have lines start at the "ends" of the matching items and their corresponding components?

Discussion (7)

Kevin,It is not a bug and has not changed in 2005. It is working the way it is intended to work. However, it is a good suggestion that might possibly get changed in a future update.

aaron...I'm running into the problem you mentioned above regarding the lines being drawn "behind" other images in the matching questions. It looks like a real mess. I am using Publisher 4.1.I have gifs for the terms on the left and gifs for their respective definitions on the right.Is this a bug which would be updated with latest release of Publisher (due out today or first week of march 2005)? Is it even a recognized bug?Thanks -KevinEdited By: kstagg on 38411.5063773148

Kevin,This topic is about lines being drawn behind other objects, not about lines drawn from the center of one object to another. This issue was cleaned up in Lectora 2004 SP3 and higher. The lines are now drawn correctly and a border is drawn around objects to show the selection, just like in run/preview mode.

Currently, the lines drawn when taking a matching question will be drawn behind any images or objects on the page. If you place a small image where the lines will show, you can see them crossing behind the image in run/preview mode. Try removing any images that might be in between the matching items and see if this helps. If you wish to have an image in the background, make it a background image by going into the page properties and adding the image as a background image. The lines will be drawn on top of a background image.

I hope someone can help me with this issue. I have entered a multiple choice question into my course, and have followed all the steps. When I run the course to test it, all other questions except the multiple choice questions work. Has anyone else had a similar problem? Any ideas on how to fix it?Thanks

A little more info would be helpful:Does it work in run mode but not published to CD?Does it take javascript errors (if published to HTML)?What version of the product are you running (from the About Box)?Tim V

Ack!! I must be asleep this morning. The issue is with the Matching Questions, not multiple choice.It does not work in run mode, nor in the published executable. Also, I am using Professional Publishing Suite v.2004 SP3 (1890).Dianna M

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