
How is Course Completion Set?

I am new to Lectora. I'm testing a course in SCORMCloud. I pass the test with 100% and it records the following in SCORMCloud:

  • COMPLETION: incomplete

  • SUCCESS: unknown

  • SCORE: 100%

My course is set up for an LMS in Title Options. The passing score is detected in SCORMCloud, and the raw score is higher than the passing score.

Is there a setting that I need to include to change COMPLETION?


On the last page (typically) you'll want an action to mark it completed. The target is 'AICC_Lesson_Status'. Try this:

Discussion (6)

Thank you,

This works to complete the module. Perhaps I have missed a tutorial on how to produce SCORM results. If this will save time, please can you point me in the right direction?

If completion requires that the user passes a test, how is this handled?

I've set Grade the Test, Lowest Passing Score at 80%, and Include test score in overall score.

When I view the IMS manifest, I see a Mastery Score of 75, so right away I think that my settings are not being applied.

I use the Process Test/Survey action to submit the results. I also have each question submit as well. Doesn't the Process Test/Survey action change the Completion to Passed?

Do I need to manually compare the Raw score with the Mastery score?

Thank you both for your help. I have found a solution. I'm not sure if this is the only one.

If I want a test to be passed when the RAW SCORE exceeds the MASTERY SCORE, I need to check the following Compatibility Settings in the Course Properties in the LMS:

Mastery Score Overrides Lesson Status;

Allow Complete Lesson Status To Change.

This is Lectora's description of the AICC_Lesson_Status variable:

"This variable contains the current status of the course within the AICC/SCORM LMS. The program sets the value of this variable to incomplete. The AICC/SCORM LMS will further modify the variable based on the current AICC_Score for the user and the value specified as the Mastery Score."

So, if I interpret this correctly, completion status based on Score is not going to be set in Lectora, but in the LMS. Is that correct?

On the last page (typically) you'll want an action to mark it completed. The target is 'AICC_Lesson_Status'. Try this:

Hi Cam

Here are a few articles from our Knowledgebase that I think may help you out in this situation.

Let us know if this gets you what you need.

So, if I interpret this correctly, completion status based on Score is not going to be set in Lectora, but in the LMS. Is that correct?

If you wanted to do that, you could change @cainam's action to have the condition, "score > minimum passing score" (that's pseudo-code. You'd actually make the change in the Lectora GUI.)