
How Do I Add a Non-Breaking Hyphen?

Normally, in Word I would do ctrl-shift-hyphen. When I attempt that in Lectora desktop I get a NB-space, not an NB-hyphen.


Thanks for the answer - I requested non-breaking hyphen, but it pointed me in the right direction. The alt-code for NB hyphen is Alt+0173. I didn't know it before and for whatever reason I didn't see it in my first Google searches. Thanks for your feedback! It helped.

Discussion (3)

In Lectora Desktop for a non-breaking space do Alt+0160 which means hold the Alt key down and enter 0 1 6 0 on the keypad.

In Lectora Online for a non-breaking space do Ctrl+Spacebar

I'm not able to enter a non-breaking hyphen even if I copy and paste it (‑;) into Desktop. In Online you can copy and paste or use the HTML editor and add ‑;

Thanks for the answer - I requested non-breaking hyphen, but it pointed me in the right direction. The alt-code for NB hyphen is Alt+0173. I didn't know it before and for whatever reason I didn't see it in my first Google searches. Thanks for your feedback! It helped.

Well, even though I was able to add a hyphen in the Lectora desktop authoring environment:

it doesn't appear in the browser after publishing:

So, I still don't have a solution to this issue.