Format Table of Contents Text.

Has anyone discovered a way to format text in the Table of Contents? Specifically, I would like to be able to format chapter titles in bold text, or at least distinguish chapter titles from page titles in some way besides the slight indentation used by Lectora.Thanks!

Discussion (8)

bpitman wrote:

Unfortunately, no. I think the problem is that the test names are converted to variables for submission to an LMS and hence must meet certain variable naming requirements. I have used ALL CAPS. Not great but is a little different.Fake it. Put a dummy chapter just in front of the test with no pages in it. Set the test for being omitted from the table of contents. Probably doesn't do it for you. Thanks, Ben. It sounds like it's worth a try! I'll give it a shot when I'm back in the office tomorrow.

You can put HTML in the page and chapter name in the TOC for example Chapter 1. This only works when publishing to HTML and SCORM that I know of.Interestingly you can also wrap text if it is too long by using the
tag.Remember to put your tags in the Page or Chapter name on the General Properties tab.Good Luck -- Simon

May I dust off a two-year-old topic? ;)Thank you, simon.Using your suggestion, all of the chapter names in my TOC are bolded, but the test name is conspicuously NOT bolded. It seems that you can include HTML tags in chapter and page names, but not in test names. (Error message during publishing to HTML: "A test has a name that does not start with a letter.")In desperation, I even tried embedding a test within a chapter, but Lectora adds them to the course outline at the same hierarchical level.Any suggestions for bolding a test name in the TOC?Thanks very much,MikeEdited By: fromma on 2007-1-8 11:42:52

Simon,Hi, I work with MelanieS and we tried your suggestion but it did not work. We added the HTML tags () in this case, but it wasn't bolded. Are there any other settings we need to do?TIAr

It worked!Per Ben's suggestions, I added a dummy chapter and a dummy page immediately preceding the test. The dummy chapter is included in the TOC (the chapter name includes the HTML bold tag); the dummy page and the test are not. The dummy page includes one action: On Show Go To Next Page.Because our course includes a Previous Page button on each page, if a user clicks the Previous Page button from the first page of the test, he will go back to the previous (dummy) page, which is set up to go to the next page. Endless loop! So, I added an action to this page (for the Previous Page button): On Mouse Click Go To Chapter, Section, or Page, [name of page immediately before the dummy chapter and page].Thanks again!MikeEdited By: fromma on 2007-1-9 7:27:41

You may have to put a dummy page in that chapter. If so, try putting an On Show, Go To next page at the page level.You may have to put a dummy page in that chapter. If so, try putting an On Show, Go To next page at the page level.

Unfortunately, no. I think the problem is that the test names are converted to variables for submission to an LMS and hence must meet certain variable naming requirements. I have used ALL CAPS. Not great but is a little different.Fake it. Put a dummy chapter just in front of the test with no pages in it. Set the test for being omitted from the table of contents. Probably doesn't do it for you.

Not sure why it did not work. I tested it in html and it worked. Enter the following code in the Page and/or Chapter name:Chapter 1Page 1Then publish to HTML to view your results in the TOC.I am using Lectora 2004 with the latest sp installed.Good luck again,simonI can send you a sample if interested:SimonEdited By: spuleo on 38323.5607291667

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