
completion of skills training

I have some training that needs to be physically completed - not virtual. Think of practical nursing skills like drawing blood. The training will be conducted by a supervisor. I'd like the learner to be able to register for the course and then have the supervisor sign off in the course when the learner has successfully completed the course. the supervisor sign off will have to be validated somehow. any ideas? I'm using lectora 21 thanks

Solutions (2)

My company uses a system called RollCall from hyperCision, which lets instructors mark completion on a phone or tablet. RC can scan employee badges (assuming they have an RFID chip or barcode), meaning the instructor doesn't even have to type or search for names.

There are plenty of alternatives to RollCall, it's just the system I am familiar with (and it works fine).

This wouldn't be an e-module type of item, it'd all be managed in your LMS. Something like a an OJT Assessment, training or other.

Our LMS has the following options:

  • Generic Activity - used for anything that doesn't fit into the two following ones. This includes, but not limited to certification granting, practical assessments, activity tracking in other systems, etc.

  • Instructor Led Activity - used for anything that is training delivered by a person/trainer.

  • Online Activity - used for anything that is e-learning based.

You'll be overcomplicating what you want to do if you were to build it into an e-module that requires registration, opening, closing, etc. . Much easier if the student can be enrolled and then marked as completed/passed by the LMS administrator OR the instructor.

Discussion (8)

This wouldn't be an e-module type of item, it'd all be managed in your LMS. Something like a an OJT Assessment, training or other.

Our LMS has the following options:

  • Generic Activity - used for anything that doesn't fit into the two following ones. This includes, but not limited to certification granting, practical assessments, activity tracking in other systems, etc.

  • Instructor Led Activity - used for anything that is training delivered by a person/trainer.

  • Online Activity - used for anything that is e-learning based.

You'll be overcomplicating what you want to do if you were to build it into an e-module that requires registration, opening, closing, etc. . Much easier if the student can be enrolled and then marked as completed/passed by the LMS administrator OR the instructor.

thanks andrew-robertson

how do I send the completion record to the LMS? xapi?

You'll need access to a system no matter what - so what is the difference between logging into a system to mark a user's transcript OR class full of users vs having each individual user login into a system to open and mark it as complete.

You'll have way more data integrity issues if you are allowing the user to open/close to mark the completion vs the common practice of having a basic activity that is marked completed by the educator or administrator.

for these types of skills training that may be taking place away from a computer, it just seems like it would be easier to have some kind of app that would send a completion record to the lms. Isn't that what xapi is for?

What @carlfink said. No coding, no building, it is all LMS application managed.

thanks andrew-robertson

how do I send the completion record to the LMS? xapi?

With my LMS (and Andrew's) you would use an LMS feature specifically to allow registered instructors to mark the activity complete. You wouldn't program anything, you'd just have the instructor open the LMS interface, navigate to the course, and mark that student as passed (or failed). Any SCORM or xAPI stuff would be handled by the LMS.

My company uses a system called RollCall from hyperCision, which lets instructors mark completion on a phone or tablet. RC can scan employee badges (assuming they have an RFID chip or barcode), meaning the instructor doesn't even have to type or search for names.

There are plenty of alternatives to RollCall, it's just the system I am familiar with (and it works fine).

thanks carlfink - I'll check that out