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Discussion (4)

Quick Access Toolbar, when the "StylePainter" is added you can't see it unless your curser is on it as it is black on black. Ugh...I'm getting a headache from looking at this low contrast UI. :(

The Inherit settings icon isn't working right. The icon look for "All Objects from Parent" and "Specific Objects from Parent" is exactly the same. The only one that changes is the "No Objects from Parent".

I still have issues with keyboard shortcuts for copy/paste, especially in the title explorer. It only works some of the time, and I haven't been able to identify the culprit. Occasionally it does work, but most of the time it doesn't register the 'copy' command, and either pastes something I copied previously, or nothing. Most of the time I end up using ctrl + C and perform the action twice, and the slower the better for it to work. (I think this started when the UI went to the Microsoft standard layout). I have programmable mouse buttons I used to use for copy/paste that sped up my development time by quite a bit, as copy/paste is probably what I used most often when developing. I now spend a lot of time using the undo button, because half the time it isn't pasting/isn't pasting the correct item, but really I think it is a problem with the copy feature. When I get frustrated with it not working consistently, I'll go to the right click / copy option, but that is a much slower process (literally 5 times slower). If I had a wish list of top 10 thinks I would like, this fix would be #1.

Lectora 21 UI not as clear as older versions. I find new version harder/slower in use. The image i have supplied shows Lectora 18/21. the set up is a pair of 28 inch 4K monitors.

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