Vertical Scrolling - How Does Content Appear as you Scroll Page

So now that I have most of the content laid out, my next challenge is to add the scroll into view elements.

What I have noticed is that all of the features scroll into focus at the same time.

If you are on the screen the "scroll into focus" items appear nicely, but as you move down the slide the other items are already there and not appearing as you scroll.

I went back to view the

Lectora - Vertical Scrolling Showcase Course

, paying specific attention to "-Ralph Waldo Emerson".

I can not see what is triggering this to appear.

I see the OnShowHide under Content2_Quote

But I don't see any actions to make "-Ralph Waldo Emerson" appear.

I was specifically referencing Button Section 2 Start, because it was above and from what I can see is the first set of actions.

Discussion (5)


@timK followup questions

- Is there a rule of thumb for how far elements should be to show effectively?

I am having difficulties trying to determine which item to attach the "scrolled out of view" action to , in order to show the element below.

- Is this where the transition timeing could come into play?

I don't know a rule for this. You could try and add some transparent or invisible shapes that you can move pixelwise to a position that make it look nice.

"-Ralph Waldo Emerson" is shown when the textfield "Page Title_Intro" with "Introduction to Gardening" is scrolled out of view.

@timk I borrowed from one of your wireframes (timeline) and have now created a group "Scrolling Pointers". This group sits at the start of every page so the team can find them easily.

I am now able to use these pointers off of the module and know when the page scrolls past what content will view next.

Hope this tip can help someone else. :)