v16 - audio play issues
June 2, 2016 12:00 AM
Hi Everyone,
I have a v16 training with audio embedded. When running it in preview in Lectora, it often crashes and gives me a "Awesomium Renderer has stopped working." I've attached a screenshot below. I haven't had problems when I publish to HTML but I like to use preview to confirm the clips are placed as expected before I publish.
On an additional note, it also places a horrible static noise at the end of each clip. These don't publish out so they don't bother me too much.
Any ideas on what I can do to get the audio running smoother?

Discussion (4)
The files are .wav and not that big. I had them set to convert to MP3 when publishing. Oddly enough, I unchecked the "convert to MP3" in the publish options and the "stopped working" alert only shows when I pop out of preview mode.
I'm also finding that it is publishing faster w/out converting the files (I guess I didn't mention that problem earlier—that it didn't want to publish with the files converting...)
Hmmm...sounds like an encoding error. I would suggest contacting support. You can either contact them by sending an email to support@trivantis.com or selecting the button on the right hand side of screen under the active members list.
What file type are you running? I know the player works best if audio files are converted to MP3. Is the file quite large?
I have a similar issue but without the notification...
I have a Lectora 16 project for which I have created voice-over segments in Ableton (Audio Recording Software). I've exported these segments as WAV files and then tried to import them into my presentation.
At first attempt the WAV files just wont play - either by clicking play on the player or by using an action to trigger them playing (which is what I intend to do in my presentation)
Then, when I choose the Right-click option of "Convert to MP3", even at the lowest compression (which should give you the highest quality MP3 Audio) the audio file is essentially destroyed and all I get is static!!!
Any thoughts on why Lectora is massacring my audio files?
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