Using Variables and Actions to Hide/Show items on Stage

I remember taking the training at Trivantis (and I still have my project that I did saved to an external harddrive). Remember the bookmarking where you can show text or show an image if the user completed the page? I am doing something similar, however, I followed the same format and nothing is working! It shows that the actions are firing, but both images are still on the stage. What am I doing wrong?

Variable: weekStatus

Global Action in Chapter that this is necessary: CalendarPagesViewed

On: Show

Action: Modify Variable

Taget: WeekStatus

Value: VAR(CurrentPageName)

Modification Type: Add to Variable


- checked the box "Perform action ONLY if the following is TRUE:

Variable: weekStatus

RelationShip: Does Not Contain

Value: VAR(CurrentPageName)

5 separate actions on the page that track the items(I'll only show one as they are all the same except the name of each):

showMondayStatus - name of action

On: Show

Action: Show

Target: mondayViewed (an image)


- checked the box "Perform action ONLY if the following is TRUE:

Variable: weekStatus

RelationShip: Contains

Value: General Ledger


-checkdd "If the conditions are not met, perform the following action"

Action: Show

Target: Monday (which is a button - gif)

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