Title Manager.

Hi all, What triggers the creation of TitleManagerApplet.jar ?I've delibrately not ticked the box to include Title Manager, yet it is still created.This creates problems as we are trying to deliver to machines running OS/2 which don't have an up-to-date Java solution and installing one isn't an option.Thanks in advance for your help.

Discussion (3)

A randomized test "requires" that the TitleMgrApplet be included ... thus, it is always in the title and is in it's own frameset. If you just submit results, then the TitleMgrApplet will be included only on the page(s) that do the actual submit ... unless you check the option, and then it will go into it's own frameset.Tim V

To use the testing, form submittal, AICC/SCORM communication, and/or email submission features of Lectora published HTML content, the Lectora content must use LiveConnect internet functionality found in the title manager applet. This functionality allows Javascript and Java to freely interchange data on a website.The 'include Title Manager' option during publish is for specifying whether you would like the applet to load in a hidden frame and be present on every page. If using any of the above features and the option is unchecked, the title manager applet will only be loaded on the page or pages it is needed.Edited By: aaron on 38321.3754861111

Thanks Aaron.How come on some titles the option is automatically ticked and greyed out, but not on others?The common consensus in our office aws that it was due to whether the questions need randomising or not, but i would appreciate clarification.TIA.

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