This fixed a huge frustration for me: Lock your title-level images!

Maybe everyone already does this, but I was so delighted to find a fix that I thought I should share...

As I started to play around with Lectora (we upgraded to v11 earlier this year) I got super frustrated when I was working on a specific page in the middle of my title but suddenly the background image came into focus, and Lectora jumped me to the top of the content tree, where the title-level elements (including the background image) are organized.

Whenever that happened, I'd have to scroll down in the content tree manually, and find the page that I had been working on, and you know how long the content trees can get in a Lectora lesson! I tried to be careful and click specifically on the elements I wanted to edit, but it still happened regularly...

Turns out, if you "lock size/position" of your title-level elements, they don't come into focus anymore, and so you don't get jumped to the top of your content tree by accident!

Discussion (7)

Since you specifically mentioned using a background image, you can also save yourself a lot of headaches by selecting your title in the Title Explorer then going to the "Design" tab. Look for the "Title Background" section and then click the "Image" drop-down arrow. You can navigate to and select the background image there. That way there's nothing for you to select - it's integrated into your title completely.

The only reason you might not want to do this is if you're hiding that background image at anyplace in the course...

Hope that helps!


In addition to what Janie said, you can opt to have specific pages with no background image or different background images from the rest of the title. Every object/property you set at the title level to be inherited by each page can be excluded/adjusted as needed on a page by page basis!

Thank you Janie, I didn't know I could do that, so I will definitely keep that in mind for future development...

Unfortunately, I do need to be able to hide the image on some of our pop-up help pages, etc. At least for this template.

Thank you for sharing!

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@LimeandNavy 50701 wrote:

Maybe everyone already does this, but I was so delighted to find a fix that I thought I should share...

As I started to play around with Lectora (we upgraded to v11 earlier this year) I got super frustrated when I was working on a specific page in the middle of my title but suddenly the background image came into focus, and Lectora jumped me to the top of the content tree, where the title-level elements (including the background image) are organized.

Whenever that happened, I'd have to scroll down in the content tree manually, and find the page that I had been working on, and you know how long the content trees can get in a Lectora lesson! I tried to be careful and click specifically on the elements I wanted to edit, but it still happened regularly...

Turns out, if you "lock size/position" of your title-level elements, they don't come into focus anymore, and so you don't get jumped to the top of your content tree by accident!

This is driving me crazy.

I have a background, buttons, etc. on the Top title layer. When I accidently click one on a page the content tree scrolled to that element and gives it the Focus. I have locked every object on the Top title as suggested but it does not stop the Focus jump. I'm using 11.3.2 - did something charge or I'm I doing your instruction wrong?

Most don't have a problem with things like menus and buttons for navigation. The problem comes with the background image that is put at the title level instead of where it should be, as an image on the Design tab on the Image button in the Title background area. then it is never clickable and yet always visible.

@storyline 61883 wrote:

This is driving me crazy.

I have a background, buttons, etc. on the Top title layer. When I accidently click one on a page the content tree scrolled to that element and gives it the Focus. I have locked every object on the Top title as suggested but it does not stop the Focus jump. I'm using 11.3.2 - did something charge or I'm I doing your instruction wrong?

Just hide them completely using the visibility checkbox. Enable visibility checkboxes in preferences. Check this guide out:

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