The Right Tool for the Job: The Top 10 Considerations for Picking an Authoring Tool

With the growing demand for eLearning, a wide range of authoring tools has become available in the market, each varying in focus, approach, strengths, and weaknesses. When selecting your ideal authoring tool, it's essential to consider your learners’ needs and the organization’s performance goals.

How do you know which tool will help you achieve the best outcome? And which tool will help you execute your goals most efficiently?

Join Chris Paxton, President of D3 Training Solutions, professor, author, and frequent conference speaker, to explore 10 important considerations to guide your decision. Highlights include:

A comparison of how each authoring app handles key functionality, including interactivity, mobile design, accessibility, and more

Important factors that impact the total price, such as integrations and support

Learning trends that are most likely to affect your future needs

Don’t miss this eye-opening event!

May 25, 2023 at 9:30 am PDT, 12:30 pm EDT, 5:30 pm GMT

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