
Test Results text cut off


The last question on the test results page cuts off the text. How do I resolve it? I stretched out the text button but it didn't help.


Did you happen to test out the vertical scroll to see if that option would work for you?

Discussion (5)

Are you using the 'vertical scroll' option on the test object or allowing the page to grow automatically with the content?

Did you happen to test out the vertical scroll to see if that option would work for you?

Hi, Allowing it to grow with the page.

Yes, I tried it but it takes away the print option. You can see all of the text inside the vertical scroll. I need to be able to print the test result page as PDF.

Hi @yatta, I'm having a hard time recreating this issue. Could be it is difference in the settings in the Results Designer, I'm not sure. Is it possible to attach this course?