Support for quiz questions in CenarioVR


Where can I find support/tutorials/help on adding quiz questions in CenarioVR. I added questions, but nothing happens. You see the question, and click responses, but nothing happens.




Discussion (5)

Found this guide, which tells how to add a question, which is what I did.

CenarioVRGettingStartedGuide_v1_3.pdf (

Is this all that users are provided with for building quizzes or is there more guidance somewhere that I have not found?

I suspect you'll want to open a support case. I have had no problems inserting questions into CVR.

Nevermind. I chatted with the bot and eventually got a link for a support ticket.

Can you tell me where to open a support case? Did you try out the link and get to a question? What normally happens when you answer a question? TIA!

When you have a question in a course, by default, when the question is answered, the answer is checked to see if it is correct and if so, the proper percentage is added to the variable %SCORE%. The amount added to the score is 100/[The number of questions in the course].

You can make the question disappear after the user answers using the "Hide On Answer" property.

If you want to provide feedback to the user, you would use the Actions feature on each answer. You can have multiple actions on each answer which allows many options for controlling the user experience.

When the user has completed your questions, you can send the score to the LMS using the "Send Completion" action.

In my answer to your support ticket, I sent you an example CenarioVR course showing questions working with default settings.

In addition, this link takes you to a sample Course Starter Wireframe that has a test with questions and an info card that shows one way to display the test results.