
Subtitles in videos


Is there any way to add subtitles to 360 videos in Cenario VR?

If not, what is the suggested solution for it?

Many thanks


You can add them as Info Cards that are displayed along the timeline. The question will be where to place them in the 360 environment, should they be fixed in the users field of view, etc.

In an immersive scenario that is attempting to simulate a real environment, understanding what is being said may be part of the experience, so you may want to consider using textual prompts sparingly.

Discussion (1)

You can add them as Info Cards that are displayed along the timeline. The question will be where to place them in the 360 environment, should they be fixed in the users field of view, etc.

In an immersive scenario that is attempting to simulate a real environment, understanding what is being said may be part of the experience, so you may want to consider using textual prompts sparingly.