SCO - complete status

hi,I tried to publish my sample lectora Scorm course which has two AU's into scorm 1.2 compliant course.I tried to implement in Moodle 1.5 and after completing my scored test, the results generated in the LMS report were inconsistent.cmi.core.lesson_status => completed cmi.core.lesson_status => passedcmi.core.lesson_status => failedThe problem is when I get the status as passed or failed the green tick mark and the red cross mark are displayed properly. but when the status shows completed it remains as green tick mark even though i have actually failed the test.I have given in the submit button for the last quiz page as Modify variable->aicc_lesson_status (completed).Can anyone advice me why the cmi.core.lesson_status is not updated properly in Moodle.Your advice will be very crucial to me to implement LMS successfully.Thanks,Edited By: Georgedj on 2006-4-6 10:59:6

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