Responsive design resize problem on tablet and mobile
November 17, 2016 12:00 AM
Hi All,
I have been working in Lectora 16.2.2 using the responsive design tools. I have ran into a problem with the vertical view for tablets and mobiles.
When openinig the file on the iPad mini in vertical view the content of the module cuts off the ipad screen half way through and does not display all the content (see image attached)
When viewing the module in Chrome with the developers tools I get this error - "trivantis.js:2494 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'y' of null(…)".
Has anyone experienced this issue before, is there a fix for this?

Discussion (2)
I've asked for my colleagues to chime in on this conversation because I'm not sure what the correct answer is. I'll let you know when I hear from them if they don't directly reply to your post.
@DavidSyril - Are you able to provide the Support team with a copy of your files? We'd like to take a look at the file. You can either send it in via email ( or you can submit a support ticket and upload it as well.
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