Research Support Request

Hello Designers,

As some of you may know, I am working on my dissertation and exploring corporate curricula development and the use of adult learning theories in instructional design practices. So, I have a request as I am in need of volunteers to participate in my research. If you are able, willing, and/or interested, please contact me and I can get you signed up as a participant for this most important and relevant research study. I will be able to share more information with you privately. Essentially, I will ask you to participate in a questionnaire, interview, and/or possible focus group. All participants will be anonymous in my study with only myself knowing actual identities.

Please contact me at and I will get in touch with you personally.

Thank you!


Discussion (2)

You know I'm down! Also try posting it in the Official Lectora User Group on LinkedIn. Sending you an email in 3....2...1

Thank you Jennifer! I will be in touch once I have IRB approval and will have more information to share.

:-) Z.

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