Repeated triggers of On Mouse Enter is causing a button positions to shift

Hi! I'm working on a course, and we have it set up so that each time you hover on a button, it scales up slightly. This works great, but each time the button scales back, the position is changed causing it to move further and further up the screen each time. I've tried locking the positioning, adding the anchor, or remaking the buttons with no luck.

Here's a gif showing what I'm seeing.

Any ideas on what could fix this?

Discussion (4)

@shannongt we will write this.

Are you using Effects in the resize actions? For the mouse exit, are you resizing with a percentage or resetting to the original size? I set the resize action for mouse exit to use the original height and width of my button, but my button still shift slightly the fist time.

Have you tried adding an action to reset the position on mouse exit?

If you tell me the percentages you are using and any effects we will make sure to use these when verifying the fix.

@shannongt we will write this.

Are you using Effects in the resize actions? For the mouse exit, are you resizing with a percentage or resetting to the original size? I set the resize action for mouse exit to use the original height and width of my button, but my button still shift slightly the fist time.

Have you tried adding an action to reset the position on mouse exit?

If you tell me the percentages you are using and any effects we will make sure to use these when verifying the fix.


No effects are being used, only the resize action. On mouse Enter, it changes size from W: 204 H: 390 ---> W: 225 H: 409. On Mouse exit, it reverses this, W: 225 H: 409 ---> W: 204 H: 390

The object coordinates are X: 172, Y: 94.

I just tested setting the position back to 172,94 on exit and it looks like I'm still encountering the issue.

Thanks for the quick follow up!

Thanks @shannongt I'll add these comments to the bug

@shannongt, as a temporary workaround you could add an OnMouseExit Action to the button that sets its position to where you want it, e. g. x=444, y=311 (as in the example I am uploading).

I'm also uploading a video showing it in action. For some reason, my screen recorder captured the mouse pointer position displaced to the left. I assure you that it was actually passing over the button.

Also, HEY, ELEARNING BROTHERS! Notice the bug? When the button expands, the font gets distorted vertically and stays that way. You might want to fix that as well as the other bug which shannongt found. Using the latest Lectora 21, downloaded literally yesterday. Windows 10, browser there is Edge, but it also happens in the development environment in Run mode.