Removing Retained Test Answers.

These CDs are going to an office where multiple employees use one machine. If they reboot, will that clear the answers? If not, what is the registry key and I will make a reg mod for them. THanks.jbEdited By: jasonb on 38300.5575231481

Discussion (4)

I made a mistake. I checked the "retain answers..." radio. We've now created and distributed 1000 of these CDs. Users are calling in saying that they want to take the test without the last person's answers there. Is there a way to remove those previous answers? Are they in a temp file? of temp directory? Thanks.jb

Thanks for the reply. I moved on yesterday with that idea. I created a reg file that relaces all values in those keys with 0- that zeroed everything out for the next person. A reg file doesn't delete keys only can change the value so I had to set them to something. Seems to work. Thanks.jb

JB,Retained variables on CDRom are stored in the registry under settings for the currently logged in user. Why are your users all using the same machine with the same login ids?Tim V

Jason,The persistent variables are stored in the registry under:HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareTrivantisLectoraBookmarks are under a Bookmarks-titlename keyPersistent Variables under a SaveState-titlename keyThe titlename may either be your whatever.awt(Description) or Whatever.exe(description) depending on whether you published to single file EXE or not.Run your title on your machine, and check out your own registry to see what keys were created. You can delete the keys entirely ... won't cause a problem because Lectora will just use the initial values if the info isn't found.BTW ... if you're running the Saba branded versions substitute Saba and Saba Publisher for Trivantis and Lectora.Tim

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