Relative paths additional files.

My Question:Is it possible (and how) to use relative paths to external files instead of adding the files by hand to the title? BackgroundWe use *many* additional files in our titles. These files are created and maintained by seperate departments. It is a lot of work to update changed documents all the time. Moreover, in many cases we don't even know that documents have changed. People tend to forget to inform the training department. The result: discrepancies between the courses and reality.

Discussion (2)

I don't know if this is what you mean, but in my experience, when you refer to an external file works best when you use a "go to webadres".in our case, we upload all files we use and refer to these in the lectora modules. Updates of the file (refreshing uploads) do not change the reference in Lectora.

Thanks for your reply. This is indeed the solution. It appears that you don't need to use a http:// address. Instead, we now use file:// as a prefix. Then it's possible to get the file from a network drive.Thanks for your reply. This is indeed the solution. It appears that you don't need to use a http:// address. Instead, we now use file:// as a prefix. Then it's possible to get the file from a network drive.

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