Questions don';t work with screen readers
July 26, 2019 12:00 AM
I have come across another issue with Accessibility, the True/False questions do not read well with a screen reader making it not accessible.
A javascript link is attached to the radio button label that triggers the radio button to work when clicking on the label but the screen reader reads (;) when Tabbed to.
Is there a way to either the remove the javascript link or have it read "True - radio button"?
Hiding the label from the screenreader has just messed up the way the rest of the question is read. (just reads radio butons as "radio button")
Thanks for any input.
Discussion (13)
Hi Ryan,
Awhile back, an e-mail account was set up by support at Trivantis specifically for Accessibility concerns. I'm trying to locate that information to post here. Meanwhile, if you haven't already done so, I suggest submitting a ticket to or use the online support ticket to report the issue.
You're also welcome to join the Lectora Accessibility User Group (LAUG) via the link provided. We meet (phone discussions) the last Thursday of each month form Jan-Oct. It's a great forum for asking questions.
@rboyd4570-ok I just add a TF question to my title and moved my radio buttons and text block, and it is reading ok.
Can you attach your title? You can strip it down to just the page causing the problem. I can see if I hear the error, and then hopefully we can determine what's going on
@rboyd4570-ok To make I was hearing things correctly, I changed the text in the question to English. When I tab I end up on my first radio button for the True, and everything is sounding correct to me.
What version of lectora are you using? Are you just publishing to HTML and previewing in IE11?
Thanks Ryan. So far I am not able to see/hear this error. My tabbing takes me to the radio buttons each time.
Have you come across the same issues with others titles as well?
Im using 18.1.2, here are the publish screens, nothing on FTP

Im using IE11 and Jaws 2019.
Just trying to test out different things. Could possibly be because I moved the label above the radio button.
When Tabbing through, it lands on the text label and pages reads:
radio button not checked
radio button not checked

Looking at the code in IE Developer tools, I do see a difference between the French and the English. In the French version, there is an HREF placed on the anchor tag that precedes the label. (see truefalse-fr.PNG). The same anchor tag in English does not have an HREF (see truefalse-en.PNG).
Also, this HREF is placed during Publish and can be seen in the HTML file itself. In page311466.html, line 1281 (see truefalse-fr-html.PNG).
Since a label can trigger its associated button, there is no apparent reason why an HREF is needed. Seems like a bug.
Ryan, while you wait for a fix, you could either edit the published HTML to remove the HREF or write some jQuery to remove it at runtime. And of course, report it as a bug to Trivantis:

Can you tell me which v18 you are using, eg. v18.0 - v18.1.4 ? It may help us narrow this down.
Can you also give a screen shot of you publish options?
@rboyd4570-ok can you tell me which screen reader, browser and version of Lectora you are using?
When I add a TF question to my WCAG title, using the latest JAWS with IE11 or NVDA with FF, I am hearing "true" or "false" as expected.
I am using Lectora 18 and publishing to HTML and opening in IE11.
It's a French title so it will need to stay French.
@rboyd4570-ok our developer looked into this. When you moved your labels for the radio buttons you set the alignment to center. In our code we check to see if the text is a label, and if it is centered. If so, the is added.
If you left-align the text in your labels and then just re-position them you should be good.
@rboyd4570-ok I have a bug opened to track this, and am working with one of our developers. We'll post any updates as we work on getting a fix out
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