Publishing to NetG.

Hi!My team is fairly new to Lectora, although I have some experience with it. Our client is using NetG. When we view our courses in Lectora, everything works fine. However, once published to NetG, the text boxes (which are locked) shift on top of each other. Does anyone have any idea why this might happen? Would this be a NetG issue or a Lectora issue?I'll probably be back with some other issues later tonite as I continue to QA our latest batch of courses. Thanks!

Discussion (1)

The content should look the same in NETg as it does in html. The problem with lining up text is that text and paragraph breaks may not take up the same amount of room in the browser as they do in a Windows application. There are two ways to fix it. The easiest way is to go into the text block properties and select the option to "render the text as an image for html." This guarantees it will look exactly the same when viewed in the browser.A second way to fix the problem is to go into the text block and make sure it is sized enough to display all of the text (no + sign is shown at the bottom of the text block.) Also, do not use paragraph breaks to move the text down the page. Instead, break the text block up into multiple text boxes and removed the paragraph breaks.

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