Project will not load on Oculus2

After creating a cenario about a kitchen makeover, I was trying to upload a 3min video that was compressed and is about 83MB and I have about 5 other images that are relatively small.

The issue happens when I use my OQ2 to view it. It will not show it. the loading Icon just keeps spinning.

I would love to have a chart that tells me/us the recommended image and video resource dimensions and sizes. .

or "What makes a cenario to heavy to play.".

I hope I made sense.

Discussion (3)

How about having the CVR system actually give you informative messages, say, "This video uses a compression method that is not supported by the Oculus Quest headset and will not work on that platform."? Then you as the developer would be able to decide if you really need to support the Quest and either recompress or just ignore the message.

That doesn't sound like it is something that the Quest wouldn't be able to play. Could you send the scenario to so we can take a look to see what the issue may be?

I think I have it now. My images were way to big and so was my video.

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