
Prevent learner from advancing until video is watched?

Hi everyone! Is there a way in Lectora to keep a learner from advancing to the next slide until they've completed watched the video on the current slide? I was looking around in actions and couldn't quite work out a way to do it.

Solutions (2)

I am not totally sure if you can make a person watch a video, but we hide the navigation arrow for a period of time and then revealed it later. If the content of the video is important. You could do an attestation statement as a quiz question that they have watched the video and responsible for the knowledge learned and will act accordingly. I have a better written statement, but this is a thought.

Discussion (10)

Ah so I just figured it out! For anyone else who might need this, In "sync events" on the video you can set an action for the last second of the video, I had it set the state of the next button from "disabled" to "enabled" once the video hits that point. I'm new to Lectora so this is a big discovery for me, lol.

@CarlJFink that is true, fortunately the video is only 1 minute long so I think the odds are low of that happening. My director just wanted them to not be able to immediately jump past the slide without watching the video at all. If there is a way to prevent scrubbing through the video though within Lectora, I'd be delighted to hear it! I presume that would require some sort of javascript? I'm not a programmer so I'd have no idea to to put something like that together.

@wheels I'm glad that's on the roadmap! Looking forward to having that functionality in the future. That's a good tip about the text block, I'll give it a try. Thanks!

Hmm okay, a timed reveal of the next arrow is an interesting idea! I like the idea of the quiz acknowledgement too.

@JessicaE you are right, it's on the roadmap for Lectora Online @Troy

You can position an empty text block over the slider bar to somewhat prevent seeking. This will prevent seek ahead for most cases.

I am not totally sure if you can make a person watch a video, but we hide the navigation arrow for a period of time and then revealed it later. If the content of the video is important. You could do an attestation statement as a quiz question that they have watched the video and responsible for the knowledge learned and will act accordingly. I have a better written statement, but this is a thought.

@wheels interesting, I don't have that option available in Lectora Online, which is where I've been building this course. Is that screenshot from the desktop version?

ETA: I exported my Lectora Online project and confirmed that yes, this feature is for some reason ONLY available in desktop. However because I'm on a Surface with a high DPI screen, it's very challenging for me to use the desktop app due to blurry text (not Lectora's fault, this one's on Windows 10/11). I'm still working on that one, but bottom line is the project doesn't import properly and I'd have to fix every piece of text and some other programming things. Not worth it just to block video scrubbing in this case. I'll have to try and build my next course in Desktop if the project will require that sort of thing, unless someone has a workaround that'll function in Lectora Online.

@JessicaE , if you absolutely need your student to sit through the video, you also need to prevent them "scrubbing" through it. Otherwise a moderately clever student can just drag the playhead to the last second of the video, and your action will immediately enable the Next button.

You can position an empty text block over the slider bar to somewhat prevent seeking. This will prevent seek ahead for most cases.

I always use a transparent filled rectangle when I block. De gustibus.