Preload all videos on startup

Please add an option where all video's (or scenes) are preloaded when you start a scenario. I rather have my users wait a while before starting watching a progress bar, than have them wait each time they enter a new room/scene. Preloading should not be default though, and ideally you can pick which videos are preloaded.

Discussion (3)

To expand on what John says, if you are on a device with a CenarioVR app (e. g. Oculus Quest, iPhone) the app does download the entire course before starting it.

We actually had this in early versions of CenarioVR, and removed it because it was too much for the browser to cache. It caused loading issues on many scenarios, so it had to be removed

We actually had this in early versions of CenarioVR, and removed it because it was too much for the browser to cache. It caused loading issues on many scenarios, so it had to be removed

Makes sense; thanks for your reply!