MP4 videos repeating on Android Mobile Devices

Hello everybody. :-)

I'm working the bugs out of a course, and uncovered a possible bug that I'm not sure what to do with. The course contains multiple multi-media with events, video with events, etc...

The problem I'm having is with the MP4 videos on Android mobile devices. On some pages, the video plays all the way through, all events fire correctly, but the video never stops playing. At the end, it repeats over again, inexplicably. Adding extra Stop actions hasn't seemed to do the trick. I also can't find anything in the published HTML that would tell the browser to repeat the videos. (Everything works fine on Desktop.)

I thought maybe it was just some BS Google was pulling with Chrome again. (Google is forever tweaking how Chrome behaves in the mobile version, irritating the developer world to no end.) However, it happens in the mobile version of Edge, as well. Interesting note...if I tell Edge to display the "Desktop" version of the site, everything functions fine. Chrome still repeats the MP4 videos regardless of whether you request the desktop version or not.

There's also no consistency. Some MP4 videos function properly, others repeat.

Short of posting an example AWT, has anybody else experienced this? If so, what did you do to fix it?

I haven't attacked it with JavaScript, yet, but that may be the way to go.


Some background information:

I'm using Lectora Version 17.1.5 (11381) publishing to CourseMill.

The course is not responsive, but is using Lectora's scale-to-fit option with Seamless Play.


Thank you.

Discussion (4)

Is it a specific Android device or multiple ones?

Interesting...Chrome on the tablets does the same thing, however, if I toggle it to Desktop mode, everything works fine.

So far, a Samsung Galaxy S7 and a Nokia 6. I'm looking to test on a tablet to see if it is just a strange phone thing, but my suspicion is it will happen there, as well.

If you haven't already, please submit a support case for your issue. This will help to ensure your issues are tested and passed over to development if needed.

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