Moved or Deleted Slides
June 28, 2023 12:00 AM
After I've uploaded a Lectora course to ReviewLink, and comments have been added to pages/slides, if I change the order of the pages/slides in Lectora and update ReviewLink, are all of the comments still connected to the appropriate pages/slides?
If I delete a slide with comments, I assume that will also delete the comments, correct?
New to ReviewLink and trying to get more efficient. Thanks!
Make any necessary changes to your title in Lectora or Lectora Online, and republish to ReviewLink. Lectora and Lectora Online will update the version of the title so that all comments remain intact in ReviewLink, but you can choose to publish your title as a separate content item if you choose.
After some testing, it does seem like the Comments are still associated to the correct pages even when they are moved around in Lectora and updated in ReviewLink. However, when you do delete a Page in Lectora and re-publish to ReviewLink, the Comment associated to that page will be Archived and the option to "View in Content" will be greyed out since the page no longer exists.
Discussion (2)
Make any necessary changes to your title in Lectora or Lectora Online, and republish to ReviewLink. Lectora and Lectora Online will update the version of the title so that all comments remain intact in ReviewLink, but you can choose to publish your title as a separate content item if you choose.
After some testing, it does seem like the Comments are still associated to the correct pages even when they are moved around in Lectora and updated in ReviewLink. However, when you do delete a Page in Lectora and re-publish to ReviewLink, the Comment associated to that page will be Archived and the option to "View in Content" will be greyed out since the page no longer exists.
Ok, good news about moving the slides. Thank you very much!