Maximum charachter limit for assessments.
January 19, 2005 12:00 AM
We are using Lectora 2004 with SP1. We have a question that is about 180 chars with spaces and 8 options that are 100 chars max with spaces.The test scores are reported correctly when we run the course in Lectora, and run after publishing to exe. However, when we publish the course to HTML, the scores are not displayed. We get a zero in a lesson, or sometimes get 20 as the score, but never get the correct score. Although we attempt all questions, it reports some quetions as unanswered, which is weird since we have activated that "Ensure student answers all questions" option.Am not sure where the problem is, is it the HTML. Will the course run well on the LMS (Centra)?
Discussion (6)
Sorry Dwayne ... my mistake ... the latest version of 2004 is SP3.TimEdited By: Verrelli on 38463.3713541667
Hi,Can someone please tell me what is the charachter limit for a multiple choice question. We are creating a test that does not report scores if we include long questions.ThanxKanchan.
Tim,Can you direct me to the SP4 update for 2004? All I can find is the SP3 version.Thank,Dwayne
What version of Lectora are you using? How long are your options? Are you getting any javascript errors? MC responses are saved as the text of the option you selected, so depending on what the option was and how long it is, and whether you are publishing to an LMS or to just straight HTML will impose it's own limits based on the environment.Tim V.
Kanchan, did you get this resolved? We have a similar situation and were looking for possible fixes.Kanchan, did you get this resolved? We have a similar situation and were looking for possible fixes.
If you are using Lectora 2004 ... you should update to the latest available service pack which is SP4 and try again.Tim
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