Mastery score in SCORM content
March 19, 2007 12:00 AM
Hi guys,The mastery score element should be fairly obvious in the manifest file.If you publish to SCORM in Lectora and have an au in the course then the mastery score for the au by default is set to 75% (if you leave it blank) irrespective of there being a test in the title.If you edit the mastery score in the manifest file you will need to upload the course again for the change to take affect.I have also found that editing the score within the LMS (SABA3.5 in my case) only works prior to making the course available to learners.I guess the moral of the story is make sure your mastery score is right to start off.BTW good to talk with you guys. I'm based in Glasgow, Scotland so it's always good to share with our US cousins.RegardsAndy
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