Lectora v18.2.1 Released!

Lectora 18.2.1 includes the following resolved issues::

  • Issues with shape objects with callouts tails have been resolved
  • The Action target drop list now displays properly, and is no longer empty
  • Updated libraries for security compliance
  • xAPI launch behavior correctly passes back the complete actor object
  • Fullscreen video now works in all desktop browsers, except in Chrome. When published, in Chrome, without Seamless Play enabled, it will only fill the browser window. A full resolution is dependent on a fix for Chromium Issue 1009462.
  • SCORM 2004 Course on SumTotal now finds API adapter
  • Resolved invalid datatype errors for CMI Interaction data for Multiple Choice and True/False Question
  • Updated default publish string for autostart to "Tap / Click to continue."

Release notes are available at https://trivantis.com/service-pack-downloads.

Follow the prompts to download and install Lectora 18.2.1

Discussion (3)

Thanks @approg v18.2 was monumental for us, because of features and many platform updates!

We changed the default of the Tap / Click to continue publish string to use the word continue, we will review your suggestion, sounds good to me. Remember it's a publish string so you can change it to anything you want in the preferences dialog.

We only have one situation where fullscreen doesn't work, and it has to do with a combination of publish setting and the browser (Chrome) the course is viewed on. We hope and fully expect Chrome to fix this issue. If you are able to use the Seamless Play publish option you will not experience the problem.

A couple of points:

In the non-Lectora courses I build, full screen video works in every browser including Chrome.

Why "Tap / Click to continue." instead of the, to me, clearer "Select to continue."?

Version 18.2.1 is now good enough to be what version 18.0 should've been.

May I suggest that this topic should be supplanted by "Version 19 released!"?

Also, the community post about installing needs to be updated to reflect version 19. Fast, because that's how we are meant to install 19 (and I just bought licenses for my department).


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