Integrating custom SCORM Code.

I'm having a lot of problems integrating some existing SCORM code into a published Lectora 2004 SP3 SCORM 2004 course.A lot of it comes down to issues detecting the API initialization/terminiation status. This *seems* to be done within the 'TitleMgr' applet? Is there a value I can request from it to determine the API status? Or can I request when publishing to handle Init/Term myself (not really a preferred option)?Thanks,John Toews

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In SCORM, the TitleMgrApplet DOES NOT do any of the communicating to the LMS ... it's around to handle things like scoring and to handle temproary variables so that we don't use up cookie space. The API Adapter is found using the code in the apiwrapper2004.js and scofunctions2004.js.Since those files are included in all SCORM published content to (SCORM 2004), you can just issue your own LMSSetValue, LMSGetValue, LMSCommit calls. As to initialization/termination, you can check the values of the javascript variables declared at the top of apiwrapper2004.js (specifically lmsInitCalled and lmsFinishCalled) to see the status of the communication with the adapter.Tim V

If I'm looking at this right, the initialization happens in the first page of content, within the 'contentframe'.So the lmsInitCalled is only accurate during the first page of a multipage SCO?

Not really, that's why we set a cookie in the session called TrivantisSCORMTimer as soon as lmsInitialize is called. We check the cookie on every page we load subsequently to see whether we need to call lmsInit again.Tim V

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