Formatting issue
February 1, 2005 12:00 AM
I have a course set up in Lectora with several navigation tabs. One tab displays Form_1 with ten form fields (some pull-down, some free entry).I have several tabs of content, then on another tab, I have another form (Form_2) with two pull-down fields for the user to select. On this tab I have a submit button to submit Form_2 values plus I have added the variables from Form_1 on the parameters tab. Everything looks great in Lectora. In Green light preview, everything works and an email is sent to me with all the form field values. However, when I publish to HTML or to NETg, when I select the tab for the second form, the entire interface is gone and only the text and pull-down boxes display (misaligned). The submit button is also gone. If there a rule about more than one form in a course? Or is it something else? Any ideas?
Discussion (1)
Well - Aaron at Trivantis helped me figure this one out. NOTE: When you have a form and want to include values on the Parameters tab for the form, you cannot use an apostrophe in the Parameter name. It will cause the javascript to fail. Aaron mentioned that he will pass this on to the developers to hopefully be included in the next fix.
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