Chris Paxton is Presenting: Accessibility and Inclusion: Why it Matters and What You Can Do

Did you know that one in four Americans self identifies as having at least one disability or impairment according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC)? If 25% of your potential learners cannot access your training, imagine the economic impact.

Between today’s politically charged climate, The Great Resignation and the growing awareness of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), accessible training is no longer a luxury — it’s a requirement. Furthermore, by having inclusive and accessible content, you can expect a healthier work environment with greater productivity and improved employee retention.

Join Chris Paxton, president of D3 Training Solutions, on Aug 30th to learn the basics of authoring inclusive, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and 508-compliant eLearning using proven tools and strategies. It’s much easier than you think!

This interactive webinar will provide tangible tools and strategies on:

Understanding the true definitions of accessibility and inclusion, and why they are not the same thing.

Why designing learning for everyone is becoming a requirement and why organizations financially benefit from it.

Common examples of how to make learning accessible and inclusive.

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