can any one explain me sp2 diff
March 15, 2005 12:00 AM
hey,recently I came across the issue of which sp to use?My company got the sp2(build 2248).But I have downloaded the sp2(Build 2250).any ideas on both of these is appreciated.Can any one help me out by saying the difference in these two.because my company says use the preveous one,while I want to use the latest one.thankssaumya
Discussion (4)
so you mean to say, whichever build i use in my work does not make any difference?if that so,i am out of danger.
2248 is a build of Enterprise 2250 is a build of SuiteThey are the same code levels, just different products. Tim
well,i do not think so.even if its correct,is ther any difference in working of the 2 sps.Because once I install build 2250,then if i am trying to install 2248,it says no new files found.That means there is some thing new in 2250 which is not ther in 2248.Can u explain me that?And i feel both of the builds can be installed in any edition as far as I realised.Any comments on that will be help ful.thank yousaumya
Build 2248 is the Enterprise version of Lectora and build 2250 is the Professional publishing suite. The build number distinguishes what version of the product you are using.Build 2248 is the Enterprise version of Lectora and build 2250 is the Professional publishing suite. The build number distinguishes what version of the product you are using.
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